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Termos e Condições

Isenção de responsabilidade jurídica

Crunch Brasil Affiliates is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal support and guidance for creating and implementing terms and conditions for websites. Our general information is aimed at helping you understand the importance of well-crafted terms and conditions and their legal implications. However, it is crucial to seek professional legal advice to tailor these documents to your specific business needs and ensure compliance with local regulations.

Key Concepts in Terms and Conditions

In essence, terms and conditions ('T&C') are legally binding terms defined by you, as the site owner. They serve as the legal framework governing the activities of site visitors or customers during their interaction with your site. The T&C aim to establish the legal relationship between site visitors and you, the site owner.

T&C should be tailored to the specific needs and nature of each site. For instance, a site offering e-commerce transactions requires different T&C compared to a site providing solely informational content (e.g., a blog, a landing page directing to other sites, etc.).

T&C afford you, as the site owner, the opportunity to protect against potential legal exposure. However, legal requirements may vary by jurisdiction, so seek local legal guidance if you intend to safeguard against legal exposure.

What to Include in the T&C Document

In general, T&C typically regulate the following issues: who can use the site; possible payment methods; a statement that the site owner may alter its offerings in the future; the types of warranties the site owner provides to its customers; a reference to intellectual property or copyright matters when relevant; the site owner's right to suspend or terminate a member's account; and much more. For further details, refer to our article.

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